
Volcanic Ash Set to be Utilised in Existing Quarry in Quebec

21st May 2024

Carboniq Inc. are hopeful that they will be able to use an existing quarry to extract Volcanic Ash, a low-carbon alternative used in the cement industry.

Réjean Carrier, the President of Quebec-based Carboniq Inc., aims to take the pozzolan, process the material in a nearby facility, and export it globally using the rail lines and port within the area.

"We have this presence of volcanic ashes in a zone around Dalhousie," he explains in French, pointing out a rock called pozzolan. "It will bring good jobs to the area."

The natural resource is the result of the region’s prehistoric past. Over 400 million years ago, a nearby volcano spewed ash across the landscape, creating layers and layer of pozzolan.

Recent studies have revealed that these layers are deep enough to last developers at least 100 years, providing a sustainable low-carbon alternative for the foreseeable future.

Pozzolan projects across Canada have received backing from the Federal Government in recent years. In 2022, the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency made a $1.2 million contribution to cover geological and environmental surveys.  

Project developments are still in the planning stage, with environmental and community feedback considered at every turn.

Carrier and the Carboniq team are optimistic that work can begin as soon as all necessary requirements are met, with the plan to produce a quality low-carbon concrete alternative that can be used worldwide.