About Us

What the Australasian Pozzolan Association stands for

Who We Are

The Australian Pozzolan Association (APozA) is the national body representing the interests of the pozzolan industry. The Association was established in 2018 to develop, promote and advance the use of pozzolanic materials in the heavy construction industry through the development of Standards and creating avenues into a wide range of relevant materials markets.

Intially registered as an Association in NSW and regulated by Associations Incorporation Act, Association Members unamiously resolved to convert to a Company Limited by Guarantee on 5th August 2022.  

On the 24 February 2022, Australasian Pozzolan Association Ltd [ACN 656 219 831] became a registered company under the Corporations Act 2001 and is taken to be registered in New South Wales. The company is limited by guarantee.  All members are bound by the association constitution

What We Do

The Australasian Pozzolan Association promotes effective and beneficial use of natural and manufactured pozzolans through; existing and creating new standards; encouraging and funding research and hosting educational forums where the stakeholder information exchanged will promote a greater understanding of these valuable pozzolan resources.

Our Objectives

  • Promote and advance

    the activities of the industry by informing and educating the membership

  • Promote and educate

    the industrial about  commercial opportunities through up-to-date information

  • Consult, advise and assist

    Governments and Public Authorities with relevant information to guide good resource policy

  • Advise and inform

    all members of technological changes in materials sector

  • Establish standards

    within the industry that are aimed to benefit all members of the association

  • Work to minimise

    greenhouse gas emissions arising from cement production through effective pozzolan use

  • Act in conjunction

    with appointing representatives to any association or organisation

  • Abide by all laws

    established by the association in pursuit of this set of objectives

Our Mission

  • Utilisation

    Promote effective and beneficial use of natural and manufactured pozzolans.

  • Knowledge

    Utilise standards, research and educational forums to increase industry knowledge.

  • Understanding

    Promote greater understanding of pozzolans among key stakeholders.

  • Environment

    Work within the industry to minimise carbon emissions through pozzolan use.